What do we believe?

The Scriptures
We believe that the 66 book of the Bible, compose the Scriptures, being this the complete canon. Both, the Old Testament and the New Testament are verbally inspired by God. We believe in their inefabilidad e inerrancia from the original scripts.We believe in the historic, gramatical and literal interpretation. We believe the Bible is the supreme and final authority for the faith and the practical life. 2 P 1:20-21, 2 Ti 3:16-17, Mt. 5:18 Ga 3:16 y 1 Co. 2:13.

We believe in one and the only God, who created and sustains the universe, existing eternally in three people: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are the same in essence, attributes, and divine perfection. Gen. 1:1, John 4:24, 2 Cor. 13:14, Is. 40:12-14; 44:6,8; 45:5-6, Psal. 104:24, Deut. 4:25,39; 6:4, Psal. 86:1,10.

The Person of Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ’s deity, his virginal conception and birth through the Holy Spirit, being truly God and truly man. We believe in His sinless life, His death to pay for our sins, His bodily resurrection, and His exaltation to be beside God. Is. 7:14, Matt. 2:1, Mark 5:2, Psal. 16:10, John 1:12, Luke 1.35, He. 4:14-16

The Work of Jesus Christ
We believe Christ’s death in the cross was a vicar and expiatory sacrifice for the whole world, we believe His death in the cross pouring all His blood is the enough provision for redeeming man’s sin. We believe Jesus Christ is the only one who can provide salvation to the human kind, and that He is the Savior for all of those who believed in Him and accepted Him as their own Savior. We believe in His bodily resurrection, His exaltation to the Father, and current ministry as the only mediator between God and humans. We believe in His physical, inminent, and premillennial return to establish His earthly kingdom for one thousand years. Is. 53:6, John 10:17-18; 14:6; 20:20, Lev. 5:14-16, 1 Pe. 2:24, He. 7:25; 9:5-7,11-14,24-28, 1 Tim. 2:5, Ephe. 1:22, 1 John 2:1, Rom. 8:34, Acts 1:11.

The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit’s deity, who is the third person of the Trinity. He was along with the Father during the creation of the world, inspired the Holy Scripture as well. We believe His ministry today is to convince the humans of their sin, of justice and of judgement. We believe He seals and baptizes the believer at the exact moment he trusts in Jesus Christ as its own Savior, and from that moment and on, He starts living in the believer, executing His ministry as Comforter. He does a work in the believer of regeneration, ilumination, and sanctification. He guides, teaches, and fills the Christian for him to serve God in obedience. Heb. 10:29, Matt. 3:11, 16, John 7:37-39,14:17,26,16:7-11, Rom. 8:2,9,14,6:16 2 Cor. 3:3, Eph. 4:4-5; 5:18, 1 John 2:20, 1 Cor. 2:10-11,6:19-20,12:13, Psal. 139:7-10, Luke 1:35, Gal. 5:16,18,25.

The Man

We believe the man was created by God before His own image, we believe the man and-or woman are not partial or total result of evolution. We believe every man and every woman has sinned, therefor they are guilty before God, and are condemned to hell as payment for their sin. We believe in man’s total depravity, in its physical and spiritual death as a consequence for their sin, and that it is spiritually separated from God by nature. Psal. 51:5, Rom. 3:23; 8:38-39, Gal. 5:13.

We believe the man, for its own sin, can do absolutely nothing to obtain its salvation, except putting his faith in Jesus Christ, who gives eternal life through His perfect work in the cross and resurrection. We believe every person who receives Jesus Christ by faith, are born again by the inmediate work of the Holy Spirit, and so they become children of God, being eternally saved. We believe the Holy Spirit seals and garantees salvation, and it resides in each and every believer to illuminate, guide and give the necessary power for its life, testimony, and service. John 10:28-29, Rom. 3:9, 8:38-39, Gal. 5:13.

We believe Satan is an angel created by God, who sinned against Him and became enemy of God and of every person who believes and follows Him. He was defeated by Christ in the cross, and his final destination will be hell. Col. 1:16, Ez. 28:15-17, Is. 14:12-17, Matt. 13:39, Ap. 12:10,20:10, John 12:31.

The Angels
We believe they were created by God during a pre-Adamic period, they are administrators spirits by the grace of God. We believe some of them desobeyed God, and those are known today as demons. Col. 1:16, Heb. 12:22, 1:14, Rev. 5:11, Psal. 148:2, 2 Pe. 2:4, Matt. 1:20, 25:41, Jud. 6, John 20:12, Acts 12:8-11.

The Church
We believe the church is a spiritual universal organism, constituted by people who have been born again by the work of the Holy Spirit, since Pentecost in Acts 2 up until today, this is the body of Christ, and He is the Head. The church’s purpose is to proclaim the Gospel, like a lighthouse in the middle of the darkness of this world, and reunite people for worship, for building each other, and for stimulating to holiness and fulfillment of Jesus’ orders. 1 Cor. 12:12, Eph. 1:22-23, 4:11-16.

Spiritual Gifts
We believe God gives spiritual gift(s) to every believer to help build the body of Christ, nonetheless, we believe that some of the spiritual gifts, like speaking in tongues and healing, were evidently limited to the primitive church according to the needs and circumstances of those times. We believe God answers its people’s prayers, and satisfies their needs according to His purpose. Rom. 12:3-8, 1 Cor. 12:13-14.

We believe in the baptism through immersion as the only model. We believe the baptism is a step of obedience, a public testimony the believer takes toward Jesus Christ. We do not believe it is a requirement for salvation. We believe baptism is how the Christian identifies itself with Christ in His death and resurrection, showing in a very clear way his-her desire to live their life in a new way. Matt. 28:19, Mark 1:9-10, 16:16, Col. 2:12, Rom. 6:4, Eph. 21:4-18.

The Lord's Supper
We believe the Lord’s Supper is an ordinance the Lord left until He returns. We believe there must be bread and the fruit of the vine as symbols of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 2:42, Luke 22:18-19, 1 Cor. 10:16,21, 11:20,24-26, Mark 14:25.

We believe we should guard the unity of the faith, and carefully look after the right doctrine, therefore, we do not asociate ourselves with carismatic groups, or those who call themselves interdenominational. Follow Me is non-denominational, and will fellowship with those who agree with our faith declaration. Rom. 16:17, 2 Tim. 3:5, 4:3-5.

Future Events
We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church of the Lord, and Christ’s returning. The Lord will come from the clouds to bring His church; it will be imminent, bodioly, and personal. We believe in the pre-milennial tribulation, which is a period of 7 years during which God will judge the world. We believe in Christ’s visible return to the world, with His saints until the end of the tribulation to establish His milennial kingdom on the Earth. We believe in the resurrection from the death, of the righteous and unrighteous. The righteous will resurrect for the eternal blessing of being saved in the glory and presence of God, the unrighteous for eternal and concious condemnation in hell. Dan. 9:27, Rev. 6:1-19:21, 20:11-15, Matt. 24:15-21, Deut. 30:1-10, Is. 11:9, Ez. 37:21-28, Acts 15:16-17, Rom. 8:19-23, Luke 16:19-26, 2 Cor. 5:8, Phil. 1:23.

We believe every person who is in Christ, is called to have a life separated from the sin, the world, and Satan. Even though it is true that the sin has not been completely erradicated from the Christian, he does have the control and fullness of the Holy Spirit to have a holy life according to the biblical principles, and distant from any type of practice or alliance with the world, with Satan or with sin. 1 Cor. 1:2, Rom. 6:6, 11-13, Gal. 5:16, Eph. 1:7, 4:30, 1 Tes. 5:23, 1 John 3:2.

The Human Government
We believe the civil government comes directly from God for the interests and good order of the man in society. We believe we have to honor them, pray for them, and obey them, with the only exception to this rule being when they order us to do or say something that is against God’s will, therefore sinful. Acts 4:15-19, Rom. 13:1-7.